A day before Christmas, a young girl is dismayed to discover that her Christmas stocking has mysteriously vanished. Fearful that Santa Claus won’t know where to leave her presents, she resolves to track it down. Assisted by an absent-minded witch who, in a delightful twist, flies a mop instead of a broom, she sets off on a breathtaking journey to Sockland, a fantastical realm where disgruntled socks find refuge. Incidentally, Sockland also holds the key to unravelling the age-old mystery of disappearing socks!
Transversing past Penland and Hairbandland and encountering captivating creatures along the way, they finally reach their destination. Yet, to their surprise, the stocking has fallen in love, and adamantly refuses to come home. It appears that even the most cherished possessions sometimes have a heart of their own…
‘The Enchanted Stocking' is a delightful story of love, adventure, and the mesmerizing mysteries that make Christmas so wondrously magical.